Modeling - PRincipal Component Analysis (PCA)

What is PCA?

Principal Component Analysis, or simply PCA, is a dimenson reduction technique which operates by consolidating information from multiple features into a new projection space in which each new feature is orthogonal to each other new feature. Specifically, PCA is a constrained optimization technique in which an eigenspace transformation is used to put quantitative data into a different orthonormal basis. PCA initialization requires standardization (which limits the variation of the data), from which a covariance matrix is computed. The eigenspace transformation extracts eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the covariance matrix of the standardized data. The covariance matrix step is crucial, as antyhing above a zero shows correlation, which is what needs to removed. In essence, the eigenvectors form the orthonormal basis due to them being uncorrelated. The associated eigenvalues are the explained information (or explained variance) of the eigenvectors. In a dataset which has no correlation between its variables, the eigenvectors would essentially be its columns and removing dimensions removes actual information. However, this is rare in real datasets. Furthermore, the covariance matrix is symmetric, which allows for the guaranteed existence of an orthonormal basis of corresponding vector space consisting of eigenvectors and corresponding real-valued eigenvalues.

What Data Can Be Used?

PCA is used on quantitative data. This analysis focuses on the quantitative data of the main datasets used throughout this project:

Ski Resorts Data - Snippet

Resort state_province_territory Country City Overall Rating Elevation Difference Elevation Low Elevation High Trails Total Trails Easy Trails Intermediate Trails Difficult Lifts Price Resort Size Run Variety Lifts Quality Latitude Longitude Pass Region
49 Degrees North Mountain Resort Washington United States Chewelah 3.4 564 1196 1760 68.0 20.0 27.0 21.0 7 82.0 3.5 4.0 3.3 48.277375 -117.701815 Other West
Crystal Mountain (WA) Washington United States Sunrise 3.3 796 1341 2137 50.0 8.0 27.0 15.0 11 199.0 3.2 3.6 3.7 46.928167 -121.504535 Ikon West
Mt. Baker Washington United States White Salmon 3.4 455 1070 1525 100.0 24.0 45.0 31.0 10 91.0 3.9 4.3 3.0 45.727775 -121.486699 Other West
Mt. Spokane Washington United States Mead 3.0 610 1185 1795 26.0 6.5 16.0 3.5 7 75.0 2.7 3.1 3.0 47.919072 -117.092505 Other West
Sitzmark Washington United States Tonasket 2.6 155 1330 1485 7.5 2.0 3.0 2.5 2 50.0 1.9 2.4 2.9 48.863907 -119.165077 Other West
Stevens Pass Washington United States Baring 3.3 580 1170 1750 39.0 6.0 18.0 15.0 10 119.0 3.1 3.5 3.6 47.764031 -121.474822 Epic West
The Summit at Snoqualmie Washington United States Snoqualmie Pass 3.0 380 800 1180 27.9 5.2 13.7 9.0 22 135.0 2.6 3.0 3.2 47.405235 -121.412783 Ikon West
Wenatchee Mission Ridge Washington United States Wenatchee 3.2 686 1392 2078 36.0 4.0 21.0 11.0 4 119.0 2.9 3.3 3.6 47.292466 -120.399871 Other West
Abenaki New Hampshire United States Wolfeboro 2.1 70 180 250 2.0 1.2 0.5 0.3 1 24.0 1.4 1.8 1.4 43.609528 -71.229692 Other Northeast
Attitash Mountain Resort New Hampshire United States Bartlett 3.2 533 183 716 37.0 7.4 17.4 12.2 8 129.0 2.9 3.3 3.7 44.084603 -71.221525 Epic Northeast

Weather Data - Snippet

datetime tempmax tempmin temp feelslikemax feelslikemin feelslike dew humidity precip precipprob precipcover snow snowdepth windgust windspeed winddir pressure cloudcover visibility solarradiation solarenergy uvindex sunrise sunset moonphase icon stations resort tzoffset severerisk type_freezingrain type_ice type_none type_rain type_snow
2019-01-01 16.4 2.0 7.0 10.2 -13.3 -0.6 -1.2 69.1 0.008 100.0 20.83 0.0 20.7 18.30000 10.6 4.9 1014.5 59.0 8.6 116.8 9.9 5.0 07:26:20 16:51:51 0.85 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 1
2019-01-02 24.3 -0.9 11.4 21.9 -11.9 5.4 -10.5 39.9 0.004 100.0 4.17 0.0 20.8 29.77377 8.7 353.1 1021.4 0.0 9.9 121.6 10.7 5.0 07:26:27 16:52:41 0.89 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 1
2019-01-03 29.0 5.3 17.6 21.9 -4.0 8.6 4.1 56.1 0.004 100.0 4.17 0.2 20.8 32.20000 9.8 328.9 1024.7 0.0 9.8 123.3 10.6 5.0 07:26:31 16:53:33 0.92 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
2019-01-04 34.0 11.9 23.4 28.7 3.4 17.1 7.0 50.4 0.001 100.0 4.17 0.1 20.8 20.80000 9.0 311.0 1025.5 0.0 9.9 123.7 10.7 5.0 07:26:34 16:54:26 0.96 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
2019-01-05 34.1 14.3 27.1 29.4 4.3 20.1 1.9 33.9 0.001 100.0 4.17 0.0 20.4 20.80000 10.1 243.5 1022.2 19.4 9.7 110.3 9.6 5.0 07:26:34 16:55:20 0.00 rain ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'DYGC2', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
2019-01-06 29.9 18.5 25.9 22.4 5.1 16.1 18.1 72.5 0.035 100.0 58.33 0.6 20.6 33.30000 16.9 266.7 1009.3 78.7 6.3 47.3 4.1 2.0 07:26:32 16:56:16 0.02 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', '72038500419', 'DYGC2', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'A0000594076', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
2019-01-07 24.8 14.7 20.3 12.8 2.5 6.5 13.7 75.2 0.004 100.0 8.33 0.4 21.3 45.70000 27.9 271.2 1015.6 83.7 4.8 35.8 3.0 2.0 07:26:27 16:57:13 0.06 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'DYGC2', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 1
2019-01-08 34.6 17.2 25.1 34.6 5.0 17.8 12.0 59.5 0.013 100.0 8.33 0.0 21.3 27.70000 15.2 312.1 1029.4 34.5 9.5 122.9 10.5 5.0 07:26:21 16:58:11 0.09 rain ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
2019-01-09 38.3 23.0 28.6 38.3 13.6 22.6 9.9 45.4 0.000 0.0 0.00 0.0 21.2 23.00000 13.0 142.9 1029.6 1.0 9.9 114.0 9.8 5.0 07:26:12 16:59:11 0.12 clear-day ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 1 0 0
2019-01-10 33.7 17.0 26.4 33.7 9.8 22.6 14.3 60.6 0.026 100.0 12.50 0.8 21.4 17.20000 8.8 323.7 1023.3 39.9 8.3 75.9 6.6 4.0 07:26:01 17:00:11 0.16 snow ['72467523063', '72206103038', 'CACMC', 'KCCU', 'KEGE', 'KLXV', 'DJTC2', 'K20V', '72467393009'] Vail 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1

Google Places Data - Snippet

Latitude Longitude Name rating total_ratings Resort Call Category Initial Category Secondary Category Tertiary Category
39.639411 -106.367836 Manor Vail Lodge 4.7 370.0 Vail Restaurants bar lodging restaurant
39.641578 -106.371678 Gravity Haus Vail 4.4 256.0 Vail Restaurants gym spa lodging
39.642639 -106.377803 Leonora 4.3 167.0 Vail Restaurants restaurant food point_of_interest
39.638962 -106.369379 Larkspur Events & Dining 4.5 198.0 Vail Restaurants restaurant food point_of_interest
39.630370 -106.418694 Subway 2.7 105.0 Vail Restaurants meal_takeaway restaurant food
39.640861 -106.374665 Sweet Basil 4.4 838.0 Vail Restaurants bar restaurant food
39.640228 -106.374381 Elway's 4.3 385.0 Vail Restaurants bar restaurant food
39.643914 -106.390088 The Little Diner 4.7 1390.0 Vail Restaurants restaurant food point_of_interest
39.640248 -106.373333 Red Lion 3.9 740.0 Vail Restaurants bar restaurant food
39.641490 -106.397471 Chicago Pizza 3.9 216.0 Vail Restaurants meal_delivery meal_takeaway restaurant

Data Preparation

Each dataset required some alteration in preparation for PCA. Namely, this included subsetting the data to quantitative values and separating the labels. The labels would be saved for later to compare with the results. Some of the datasets had multiple categorical data features which could be used as labels depending on the purpose of the analysis. Other columns were simply dropped. Thus, a concise script with which could perform this cleaning, along with applying the PCA algorithm and analysis of the results was created. This script can be found here, and contains detailed documentation on these functions.

Ski Resort Data - Preparation

  • Quantitative Data Retained:
    • Overall Rating
    • Elevation Difference
    • Elevation Low
    • Elevation High
    • Trails Total
    • Trails Easy
    • Trails Intermediate
    • Trails Difficult
    • Lifts
    • Price
    • Resort Size
    • Run Variety
    • Lifts Quality
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
  • Potential Label Columns Set Aside:
    • Resort
    • state_province_territory
    • Country
    • City
    • Pass
    • Region

Weather Data - Preparation

  • Quantitative Data Retained:
    • tempmax
    • tempmin
    • temp
    • feelslikemax
    • feelslikemin
    • feelslike
    • dew
    • humidity
    • precip
    • snow
    • snowdepth
    • windgust
    • windspeed
    • winddir
    • pressure
    • cloudcover
    • visibility
    • solarradiation
    • solarenergy
    • uvindex
    • moonphase
    • severerisk
  • Potential Label Columns Set Aside:
    • datetime
    • icon
    • resort
    • type_snow
    • type_rain
    • type_ice
    • type_freezingrain
    • type_none

Google Places Data - Preparation

  • Quantitative Data Retained:
    • Latitude
    • Longitude
    • rating
    • total_ratings
  • Potential Label Columns Set Aside:
    • Name
    • Resort
    • Call Category
    • Initial Category
    • Secondary Category
    • Tertiary Category

Applying Principal Component Analysis in Python

PCA in Python can be accomplished through the Scikit-Learn module, sklearn.decomposition.PCA. However, it is important to first normalize the quantitative data. Results can be skewed when values are significantly different between features. In other words, when features have much larger and smaller values than each other. To accomplish normalization, another Scikit-Learn module was used, sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler. Each feature has its mean removed and is scaled to unit variance.

PCA can be applied in a generic sense, without specifying how many principal components are to be returned. This will create a return of as many principal components as there are input features. PCA can also be applied with a desired number of components to be returned. One point of confusion with either of these methods is how the original features relate to the output. It's important to understand that PCA transforms or projects the data into a different space using eigenvalues and eigenvectors. There isn't exactly a one-to-one relationship between the projected data onto principal components and the features of the original dataset. To further illustrate PCA, analyze its results, and try to make sense of a relationship between original features and the PCA projection, several attributes of sklearn's PCA model will be used. Given a model was created with the following code:

        # sklearn libraries
        from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
        from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
        # normalize pandas dataframe with only quantitative features
        scaler = StandardScaler()
        df_normal = scaler.fit_transform(df)
        # create the pca model and project data into PCA space
        pca = PCA()
        pca_projection = pca.fit_transform(df_normal)
        # obtain eigenvalues
        eigenvalues = pca.explained_variance_
        # explained variance
        eigenvalue_ratios = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
        # obtain eigenvectors
        eigenvectors = pca.components_
        # obtain loadings matrix
        loadings_matrix = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_.T, columns=[f'principal_component_{col+1}' for col in range(pca.components_.shape[0])], index=df.columns)

Attributes Explained:

PCA and Analysis Process

Each dataset was processed and the results were analyzed in this script, for full-feature PCA, 3-dimensional PCA, and 2-dimensional PCA via the following:

  1. PCA Application and Key Attribute Extraction perform_pca()
  2. Orthogonality Validated validate_orthogonality()
  3. Visualize Variance visualize_variance()
    • Full Dimensional PCA Includes Additional Outputs for Components Required for Retention of 95% Explained Variance
  4. Explained Variance
    • Full Dimensional PCA Includes Additional Output for the Top 3 Eigenvalues
  5. Loadings Matrix Analysis
    • Loadings Matrix Barplot
    • Loadings Matrix Boxplot
  6. Further Visualizations
    • 3-Dimensional PCA with Labeled Hue - Weather Includes an Animated Time Series Visualization
    • 2-Dimensional PCA with Labeled Hue

The Loadings Matrix

Loadings Matrices represent the correlation between the original variables and the principal components. When PCA is performed, the new principal components are a consolidation of information of the original variables. Therefore, each principal component could be influenced by each of the original variables (i.e. potentially contain information from each original variable). The loadings matrix shows this influence (direction and strength) amount by calculating correlations. Closer to zero, the less influence. A positive correlation indicates that higher scores on the factor are associated with higher scores on the variable. A negative correlation indicates that higher scores on the factor are associated with lower scores on the variable. Higher negative correlations (in an absolute sense) are indicative of high influence, just inversely!

Essentially, these correlations help in understanding which factors influence which variables and whether this influence is direct or inverse. By analyzing loadings matrices, the true power of PCA and its consolidation properties are revealed. To further illustrate this property, it can be beneficial to investigate the absolute values of a loadings matrix. Using absolute values, the correlations will be investigated via the following:

Additionally, if direct dimensionality reduction is desired (versus transformation into a new space), this could aid in feature selection.

PCA Results and Analysis

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 67.37% 67.37%
principal_component_2 9.88% 77.25%
principal_component_3 8.37% 85.63%
principal_component_4 4.34% 89.97%
principal_component_5 2.80% 92.77%
principal_component_6 2.11% 94.88%
principal_component_7 1.38% 96.26%
principal_component_8 0.97% 97.23%
principal_component_9 0.86% 98.09%
principal_component_10 0.77% 98.85%
principal_component_11 0.67% 99.52%
principal_component_12 0.34% 99.86%
principal_component_13 0.14% 100.00%
principal_component_14 0.00% 100.00%
principal_component_15 0.00% 100.00%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

95% of Variance Explained through Principal Component 7.

Illustrated above is how much information is retained or explained by each principal component. The principal components are ordered by descending associated eigenvalues, such that the principal component with the largest associated eigenvalue is first. This means that the principal components decreasingly explain the variance in the dataset. For this particular dataset, it takes 7 principal components until 95% of variance within the dataset is explained.

Eigenvalues - Python Output

Eigenvalues Results:

Eigenvalues - Table

Principal Component Eigenvalue
Principal Component 1 1.013290e+01
Principal Component 2 1.485725e+00
Principal Component 3 1.259422e+00
Principal Component 4 6.531516e-01
Principal Component 5 4.209760e-01
Principal Component 6 3.172493e-01
Principal Component 7 2.076981e-01
Principal Component 8 1.456939e-01
Principal Component 9 1.292904e-01
Principal Component 10 1.150585e-01
Principal Component 11 1.004127e-01
Principal Component 12 5.163385e-02
Principal Component 13 2.047200e-02
Principal Component 14 1.690841e-16
Principal Component 15 0.000000e+00

The highest 3 eigenvalues for this dataset are:
  1. 10.1328995
  2. 1.48572492
  3. 1.25942178
Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3 principal_component_4 principal_component_5 principal_component_6 principal_component_7 principal_component_8 principal_component_9 principal_component_10 principal_component_11 principal_component_12 principal_component_13 principal_component_14 principal_component_15
Overall Rating 0.295563 0.128409 0.070401 0.232184 -0.094052 -0.041479 -0.099155 0.072975 -0.378219 0.150935 0.063638 -0.559794 -0.572987 7.456905e-15 7.670563e-15
Elevation Difference 0.286191 0.006434 0.127605 0.167531 -0.228009 -0.190198 -0.369776 -0.253744 0.513513 -0.391630 -0.319654 -0.107830 -0.056779 5.110595e-03 -2.242655e-01
Elevation Low 0.217565 -0.531208 -0.238126 -0.001341 -0.089008 -0.004357 0.195668 -0.019658 -0.169175 -0.211791 0.346592 0.038955 -0.001744 1.389608e-02 -6.097944e-01
Elevation High 0.259075 -0.424419 -0.153443 0.048371 -0.138730 -0.059634 0.047891 -0.090669 0.015794 -0.285562 0.183808 -0.000564 -0.018158 -1.731504e-02 7.598268e-01
Trails Total 0.300028 0.106896 0.083704 -0.253912 -0.012046 -0.099508 0.264873 0.083491 0.147917 0.083732 0.012235 -0.051628 0.036309 8.405429e-01 1.915441e-02
Trails Easy 0.262651 0.127329 0.075640 -0.169168 -0.242956 0.807016 0.248873 -0.152756 0.202290 0.040188 0.013476 -0.089427 -0.010379 -1.845217e-01 -4.204907e-03
Trails Intermediate 0.289896 0.097366 0.072066 -0.186081 0.097909 -0.193740 0.056222 0.699348 0.326742 -0.028557 0.207625 -0.161966 0.140197 -3.614567e-01 -8.236928e-03
Trails Difficult 0.276246 0.087010 0.084746 -0.320954 -0.001912 -0.453792 0.436673 -0.431162 -0.086834 0.204626 -0.187773 0.088369 -0.050931 -3.581472e-01 -8.161508e-03
Lifts 0.251273 0.201499 -0.109092 -0.344663 0.601134 0.153135 -0.239592 -0.114220 -0.301317 -0.459604 -0.063076 -0.041792 0.050510 2.745585e-16 6.575543e-16
Price 0.289004 0.059050 -0.112851 0.077690 0.231632 -0.001804 -0.408573 -0.280052 0.239174 0.490234 0.497116 0.224277 -0.015568 -4.018633e-16 2.699452e-16
Resort Size 0.298762 0.081368 0.076491 0.015571 -0.222568 0.060266 -0.132710 0.316057 -0.232464 -0.033380 -0.191717 0.734195 -0.310489 5.526490e-15 2.615334e-15
Run Variety 0.296819 0.045266 0.091947 0.122039 -0.304238 -0.014356 -0.223494 0.005599 -0.412095 0.154589 -0.095463 -0.112858 0.726762 -8.151679e-15 -2.849585e-15
Lifts Quality 0.215449 0.227293 -0.101905 0.733186 0.339467 0.030970 0.435685 -0.001735 0.057427 -0.105966 -0.061435 0.113978 0.129074 -1.942396e-15 -1.940610e-15
Latitude -0.082354 0.010183 0.845442 0.075203 0.048877 -0.022855 0.053208 -0.121731 -0.097151 -0.239573 0.419225 0.096262 0.016607 6.433542e-16 -6.678293e-16
Longitude -0.140384 0.609871 -0.330620 -0.042128 -0.410482 -0.158486 0.048625 -0.100838 -0.051866 -0.317693 0.429728 0.051939 0.011695 4.950898e-16 -1.115673e-15

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

Elevation Difference is commonly the highest influencing original feature, while Latitude is commonly the lowest influencing original feature.

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 36.96% 36.96%
principal_component_2 14.09% 51.04%
principal_component_3 8.91% 59.95%
principal_component_4 5.34% 65.29%
principal_component_5 4.56% 69.85%
principal_component_6 4.45% 74.31%
principal_component_7 4.31% 78.61%
principal_component_8 4.12% 82.73%
principal_component_9 3.89% 86.63%
principal_component_10 3.45% 90.08%
principal_component_11 3.25% 93.33%
principal_component_12 2.61% 95.94%
principal_component_13 1.53% 97.47%
principal_component_14 1.44% 98.90%
principal_component_15 0.52% 99.43%
principal_component_16 0.42% 99.85%
principal_component_17 0.06% 99.91%
principal_component_18 0.04% 99.95%
principal_component_19 0.03% 99.98%
principal_component_20 0.02% 100.00%
principal_component_21 0.00% 100.00%
principal_component_22 0.00% 100.00%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

95% of Variance Explained through Principal Component 12.

Illustrated above is how much information is retained or explained by each principal component. The principal components are ordered by descending associated eigenvalues, such that the principal component with the largest associated eigenvalue is first. This means that the principal components decreasingly explain the variance in the dataset. For this particular dataset, it takes 12 principal components until 95% of variance within the dataset is explained.

Eigenvalues - Python Output

Eigenvalues Results:

Eigenvalues - Table

Principal Component Eigenvalue
Principal Component 1 8.130468
Principal Component 2 3.098820
Principal Component 3 1.959711
Principal Component 4 1.174441
Principal Component 5 1.004215
Principal Component 6 0.979726
Principal Component 7 0.947684
Principal Component 8 0.906604
Principal Component 9 0.856152
Principal Component 10 0.759334
Principal Component 11 0.715182
Principal Component 12 0.574145
Principal Component 13 0.336381
Principal Component 14 0.315792
Principal Component 15 0.115469
Principal Component 16 0.092572
Principal Component 17 0.014082
Principal Component 18 0.008752
Principal Component 19 0.005675
Principal Component 20 0.004050
Principal Component 21 0.000683
Principal Component 22 0.000091

The highest 3 eigenvalues for this dataset are:
  1. 8.130468
  2. 3.098820
  3. 1.95971060
Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3 principal_component_4 principal_component_5 principal_component_6 principal_component_7 principal_component_8 principal_component_9 principal_component_10 principal_component_11 principal_component_12 principal_component_13 principal_component_14 principal_component_15 principal_component_16 principal_component_17 principal_component_18 principal_component_19 principal_component_20 principal_component_21 principal_component_22
tempmax 0.341702 0.044847 0.021813 0.005786 -0.018956 -0.054797 -0.006958 0.020151 -0.047909 0.062773 0.095301 -0.082699 -0.007336 -0.024372 0.001069 -0.471893 0.142666 0.396140 -0.486184 -0.350631 -0.307923 0.000344
tempmin 0.318129 0.198307 0.062902 -0.017631 -0.012820 -0.014266 0.015130 0.036999 -0.067076 0.025714 0.085684 0.060234 0.090524 -0.064892 -0.010493 0.524318 0.172907 0.586617 0.292904 0.192406 -0.229889 -0.000803
temp 0.339381 0.116827 0.046131 -0.006776 -0.017000 -0.035506 0.006418 0.029500 -0.057968 0.045714 0.086429 -0.021250 0.045838 -0.046324 -0.030234 -0.017947 0.280062 -0.040248 -0.380459 0.460633 0.640855 0.000790
feelslikemax 0.340382 0.061936 -0.006827 0.015381 -0.018068 -0.049867 -0.004156 0.025218 -0.041888 0.054500 0.098681 -0.080560 -0.007052 0.002475 0.011091 -0.507938 -0.342769 0.138684 0.615191 0.007112 0.286684 -0.000257
feelslikemin 0.322287 0.193705 0.007469 -0.005124 -0.016236 -0.017912 0.023242 0.050376 -0.056063 0.027384 0.094147 0.028906 0.091368 -0.004112 -0.002443 0.432178 -0.534140 -0.156861 -0.220271 -0.489090 0.220190 0.001089
feelslike 0.338886 0.123437 0.002091 0.004709 -0.018825 -0.036151 0.013941 0.040382 -0.048706 0.041159 0.092810 -0.036113 0.049999 -0.001805 -0.020851 -0.069669 -0.288175 -0.440967 -0.097094 0.501021 -0.553790 -0.001347
dew 0.287168 0.297378 -0.004698 0.005349 0.002762 0.040080 0.026739 0.051906 -0.027620 -0.024594 0.040776 0.199286 -0.233186 0.008548 0.006854 -0.005293 0.565545 -0.463263 0.276239 -0.335317 -0.059652 0.000183
humidity -0.122013 0.419951 -0.115953 0.048419 0.036596 0.145030 0.042465 0.062597 0.079071 -0.156794 -0.132779 0.451269 -0.587302 0.118840 -0.005816 -0.086203 -0.241926 0.208159 -0.140874 0.154519 0.025833 0.000040
precip -0.010098 0.215811 0.161635 0.191367 -0.025211 -0.182404 0.041496 -0.254172 0.862951 0.097955 0.141329 -0.108259 0.026239 -0.058726 0.009745 0.008778 0.006038 -0.003970 0.001252 -0.002889 -0.000160 -0.000068
snow -0.082881 0.044502 0.166281 0.555183 0.021724 0.193211 0.245988 0.186686 -0.128819 0.682821 -0.195302 0.000216 -0.014353 -0.027384 0.011940 0.001601 -0.001360 -0.003134 0.003109 -0.002063 -0.000728 -0.000075
snowdepth -0.108000 -0.089923 0.114606 0.538328 -0.007242 0.072542 0.259089 0.119135 -0.128847 -0.480026 0.580657 -0.020350 -0.020873 -0.070036 -0.026394 -0.002854 0.004371 0.001916 -0.003272 0.000855 0.001137 -0.000190
windgust -0.037873 -0.041897 0.608182 -0.114671 -0.041556 -0.125841 -0.008027 -0.143867 -0.111278 0.072721 0.147746 0.166057 0.008198 0.712664 -0.016480 -0.010417 -0.003311 0.003304 -0.000480 0.004002 0.000010 -0.000049
windspeed -0.036032 -0.118269 0.585353 -0.165278 -0.003624 -0.073614 -0.082994 -0.180094 -0.127973 0.046940 0.025757 0.221513 -0.224230 -0.665490 -0.010867 -0.026344 -0.082005 -0.030418 -0.002297 -0.006013 -0.005779 -0.000032
winddir 0.006041 -0.118088 0.183010 -0.275912 0.196100 0.517622 -0.201720 0.605307 0.314999 0.070962 0.236307 0.021670 0.040003 0.002268 -0.016892 -0.020157 -0.006732 0.002559 -0.001067 0.001510 -0.000121 0.000050
pressure -0.042439 -0.242871 -0.367211 0.022711 -0.056056 -0.195316 -0.175803 -0.061895 0.031802 0.353732 0.442780 0.622535 0.128541 -0.022079 -0.023386 -0.020238 0.003018 0.002503 -0.005864 0.008070 0.001391 0.000036
cloudcover -0.143978 0.378492 0.112290 -0.039500 0.008244 0.151272 0.177593 -0.013583 -0.018102 -0.185363 -0.178741 0.382045 0.705924 -0.106654 0.057148 -0.203331 0.006354 -0.004464 -0.003010 -0.013794 -0.001576 0.000002
visibility 0.033442 -0.092879 -0.127334 -0.370916 0.014443 0.405082 0.666985 -0.381592 0.014957 0.155139 0.218838 -0.043098 -0.084986 0.000620 0.013974 0.006795 -0.006164 0.009205 -0.003111 0.006587 0.001185 0.000173
solarradiation 0.249173 -0.328804 0.026208 0.126705 0.013849 0.075671 0.095815 -0.028176 0.146790 -0.146259 -0.266039 0.197221 0.021070 0.039869 -0.376854 0.015129 -0.007404 0.002499 0.008437 -0.010344 -0.002550 0.707127
solarenergy 0.249208 -0.328749 0.026024 0.126423 0.014036 0.075869 0.095797 -0.028325 0.146781 -0.146174 -0.266113 0.197316 0.020988 0.039898 -0.376936 0.015259 -0.007235 0.002425 0.007129 -0.012008 -0.000448 -0.707083
uvindex 0.247059 -0.324512 0.031381 0.125097 0.018864 0.065207 0.045536 -0.019337 0.118343 -0.132217 -0.184556 0.176461 -0.023376 0.045838 0.841558 0.037803 -0.006514 -0.000388 -0.017060 0.025291 0.003072 -0.000063
moonphase 0.002742 0.000063 -0.015324 -0.026925 0.931048 -0.316603 0.171830 0.030751 -0.028583 0.010762 0.000803 0.021752 0.006781 0.004540 0.000149 -0.000737 -0.000141 -0.000184 -0.000295 0.000224 0.000180 0.000083
severerisk 0.068095 0.070250 -0.026231 0.240096 0.290736 0.512476 -0.511994 -0.547921 -0.101090 -0.002029 0.066625 -0.055125 0.051231 0.042252 -0.019849 0.002587 -0.005343 -0.002315 -0.005448 0.001603 -0.001470 0.000128

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

Humidity is commonly the highest influencing original feature, while Moonphase is commonly the lowest influencing original feature.

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 33.12% 33.12%
principal_component_2 28.13% 61.25%
principal_component_3 21.87% 83.12%
principal_component_4 16.88% 100.00%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

95% of Variance Explained through Principal Component 4.

Illustrated above is how much information is retained or explained by each principal component. The principal components are ordered by descending associated eigenvalues, such that the principal component with the largest associated eigenvalue is first. This means that the principal components decreasingly explain the variance in the dataset. For this particular dataset, it takes all 4 principal components until 95% of variance within the dataset is explained.
Eigenvalues - Python Output

Eigenvalues Results:

Eigenvalues - Table

Principal Component Eigenvalue
Principal Component 1 1.324984
Principal Component 2 1.125278
Principal Component 3 0.874698
Principal Component 4 0.675214

The highest 3 eigenvalues for this dataset are:
  1. 1.32498375
  2. 1.1252785
  3. 0.87469825
Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3 principal_component_4
Latitude 0.704954 0.054736 0.053544 0.705108
Longitude -0.693377 -0.133590 0.148636 0.692308
rating -0.046771 0.706612 0.703370 -0.061504
total_ratings -0.141710 0.692717 -0.693045 0.140534

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

Each of the original features have equivalent average influence on the principal components. However, Latitude and Rating have a smaller ranking spread than Longitude and Total Ratings.

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 67.37% 67.37%
principal_component_2 9.88% 77.25%
principal_component_3 8.37% 85.63%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 3-Dimensional PCA.

For three dimensional principal component analysis, 85.63% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3
Overall Rating 0.295563 0.128409 0.070401
Elevation Difference 0.286191 0.006434 0.127605
Elevation Low 0.217565 -0.531208 -0.238126
Elevation High 0.259075 -0.424419 -0.153443
Trails Total 0.300028 0.106896 0.083704
Trails Easy 0.262651 0.127329 0.075640
Trails Intermediate 0.289896 0.097366 0.072066
Trails Difficult 0.276246 0.087010 0.084746
Lifts 0.251273 0.201499 -0.109092
Price 0.289004 0.059050 -0.112851
Resort Size 0.298762 0.081368 0.076491
Run Variety 0.296819 0.045266 0.091947
Lifts Quality 0.215449 0.227293 -0.101905
Latitude -0.082354 0.010183 0.845442
Longitude -0.140384 0.609871 -0.330620

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

The loadings matrix differs between the full dimensional PCA and the three dimensional PCA.

Visualizing PCA in 3 Dimensions with Labels
Several different labels were applied to the data projected into the PCA space. Some interesting clusters can be observed using this. Note that the labels can be toggled through the legend.
Resorts with Country Label - Expand Image

Resorts with Region Label - Expand Image

Resorts with Pass Label - Expand Image

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 36.96% 36.96%
principal_component_2 14.09% 51.04%
principal_component_3 8.91% 59.95%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 3-Dimensional PCA.

For three dimensional principal component analysis, 59.95% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3
tempmax 0.341702 0.044847 0.021813
tempmin 0.318129 0.198307 0.062902
temp 0.339381 0.116827 0.046131
feelslikemax 0.340382 0.061936 -0.006827
feelslikemin 0.322287 0.193705 0.007469
feelslike 0.338886 0.123437 0.002091
dew 0.287168 0.297378 -0.004698
humidity -0.122013 0.419951 -0.115953
precip -0.010098 0.215811 0.161635
snow -0.082881 0.044502 0.166281
snowdepth -0.108000 -0.089923 0.114606
windgust -0.037873 -0.041897 0.608182
windspeed -0.036032 -0.118269 0.585353
winddir 0.006041 -0.118088 0.183010
pressure -0.042439 -0.242871 -0.367211
cloudcover -0.143978 0.378492 0.112290
visibility 0.033442 -0.092879 -0.127334
solarradiation 0.249173 -0.328804 0.026208
solarenergy 0.249208 -0.328749 0.026024
uvindex 0.247059 -0.324512 0.031381
moonphase 0.002742 0.000063 -0.015324
severerisk 0.068095 0.070250 -0.026231

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

The loadings matrix differs between the full dimensional PCA and the three dimensional PCA.

Visualizing PCA in 3 Dimensions with Labels
The label of weather type was applied to the data projected into the PCA space. Some interesting clusters can be observed using this. Since the weather data is so numerous, a subset aggregated into monthly averages was used for illustrative purposes.
Weather Data with Type of Weather Label - Expand Image

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 33.12% 33.12%
principal_component_2 28.13% 61.25%
principal_component_3 21.87% 83.12%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 3-Dimensional PCA.

For three dimensional principal component analysis, 83.12% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2 principal_component_3
Latitude 0.704954 0.054736 0.053544
Longitude -0.693377 -0.133590 0.148636
rating -0.046771 0.706612 0.703370
total_ratings -0.141710 0.692717 -0.693045

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

The loadings matrix differs between the full dimensional PCA and the three dimensional PCA.

Visualizing PCA in 3 Dimensions with Labels
A categorical label was applied to the data projected into the PCA space. Some interesting clusters can be observed using this. Since the business data is so numerous, a subset was used for illustrative purposes.
Google Places with Business Category Label - Expand Image

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 67.37% 67.37%
principal_component_2 9.88% 77.25%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 2-Dimensional PCA.

For two dimensional principal component analysis, 77.25% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2
Overall Rating 0.295563 0.128409
Elevation Difference 0.286191 0.006434
Elevation Low 0.217565 -0.531208
Elevation High 0.259075 -0.424419
Trails Total 0.300028 0.106896
Trails Easy 0.262651 0.127329
Trails Intermediate 0.289896 0.097366
Trails Difficult 0.276246 0.087010
Lifts 0.251273 0.201499
Price 0.289004 0.059050
Resort Size 0.298762 0.081368
Run Variety 0.296819 0.045266
Lifts Quality 0.215449 0.227293
Latitude -0.082354 0.010183
Longitude -0.140384 0.609871

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

Again, the loadings matrix for two dimensional PCA shows different influence across the original data features.

Visualizing PCA in 2 Dimensions with Labels
Several different labels were applied to the data projected into the PCA space. Some interesting patterns can be observed using this.
Resorts with Country Label.

Resorts with Region Label.

Resorts with Pass Label.

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 36.96% 36.96%
principal_component_2 14.09% 51.04%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 2-Dimensional PCA.

For two dimensional principal component analysis, 51.04% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2
tempmax 0.341702 0.044847
tempmin 0.318129 0.198307
temp 0.339381 0.116827
feelslikemax 0.340382 0.061936
feelslikemin 0.322287 0.193705
feelslike 0.338886 0.123437
dew 0.287168 0.297378
humidity -0.122013 0.419951
precip -0.010098 0.215811
snow -0.082881 0.044502
snowdepth -0.108000 -0.089923
windgust -0.037873 -0.041897
windspeed -0.036032 -0.118269
winddir 0.006041 -0.118088
pressure -0.042439 -0.242871
cloudcover -0.143978 0.378492
visibility 0.033442 -0.092879
solarradiation 0.249173 -0.328804
solarenergy 0.249208 -0.328749
uvindex 0.247059 -0.324512
moonphase 0.002742 0.000063
severerisk 0.068095 0.070250

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

Again, the loadings matrix for two dimensional PCA shows different influence across the original data features. Moonphase is close to not having any influence on the two dimensional principal components.

Visualizing PCA in 2 Dimensions with Labels
The label of Weather Type was applied to the data projected onto the PCA space. This time, the data in its entirety was used.
Weather with Weather Type Labels.

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Table

principal_components explained_variance cumulative_variance
principal_component_1 33.12% 33.12%
principal_component_2 28.13% 61.25%

Explained and Cumulative Variance - Visual

Explained and Cumulative Variance for 2-Dimensional PCA.

For two dimensional principal component analysis, 61.25% of information is retained from the original data.

Loadings - Table

Feature principal_component_1 principal_component_2
Latitude 0.704954 0.054736
Longitude -0.693377 -0.133590
rating -0.046771 0.706612
total_ratings -0.141710 0.692717

Loadings - Barplot

Barplot of the Average Correlation Ranking between Features and Principal Components.

Loadings - Boxplot

Spread of the Correlation Rankings for Each Feature across Principal Components.

There is a slight difference between the loadings matrix in two dimensional PCA compared to the full dimensional PCA.

Visualizing PCA in 2 Dimensions with Labels
The label of business category was applied to the data projected onto the PCA space. This time, the data in its entirety was used, and an interesting pattern was created.
Google Places with Business Category Label.

Summary of PCA Results and Analysis

Principal Component Analysis was applied to three main datasets relevant to this topic. Full Feature PCA, Three Dimensional PCA, and Two Dimensional PCA results were analyzed. Specifically, eigenvectors and eigenvalues from the data projected into PCA spaces were investigated, with emphasis on how much information was retained by the PCA process. An additional component of the analysis used loadings matrices in an attempt to understand the strength and direction each original feature had on the principal componets (new features). Illustrations of the projected data were made for three dimensionsal PCA and two dimensional PCA, with labels applied to help detect potential patterns.

Some interesting takeaways: